Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Kind of different that my usual stuff....butttt..

You guys may or may not have heard about the shooting at UT earlier yesterday. Well, yes. There was some dumbass with an AK47 that shot up the place, but his aim was such shit he missed everyone but himself. Anyway, me being a (proud) Texan, I know lots of people who are going there. Yes, some saw. Pretty shaken up by it. Others didn't. Anyway, really just saying that I am quite glad that nobody was hurt physically. And the hell did he get into the Library with an a suit and mask...without being noticed?! And I thought my roommates were stupid!

Also, do ALL girls go take a dump/piss while talking on the god damn phone!? Gwen does it quite often...


  1. it's difficult to be a good shot with an AK47... you need to zero the sights accurately, otherwise you'll never hit anything...

  2. What? Girls poop? Are you sure about this...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I didn't hear about it D: Glad you're safe.

    I don't use the phone, so I don't bring it with me to pee. D:

  5. obviously girls dont poop or pee...ever
